I apologize now to all who read this entry, I am adding this part after I read the entry, I feel that all I have managed to do is write a bunch of random thoughts.
Up to this week Nathan and I have been able to talk on the phone everyday, even if its just for a few minutes. However, this week Nathan is out doing field training exercises, meaning he spends 24 hrs a day for the week out in the field. What he is doing out there for a whole week, I have yet to figure out, but I am sure that he is chowing down his MREs (for those who haven't heard the story when Nathan was at LDAC a couple summers ago he ate 3 MREs and everyone elses left overs every day, each MRE is over 2000 Calories in itself). Maybe he won't be so skinny when he gets back :)
So to get back to what I was trying to start writing on, up to this point we have been able to talk everyday. This week, I don't get a word, nothing. Thus far I have been able to stay busy working every night, but as tonight is my first night off I have had time to think about the last couple of days and realize how much I miss him. I realize it has only been a couple of days of not being able to talk, but it has been a few weeks since I have seen him. And I know that when he is deployed that we will have even longer stretches of not being able to see or talk with each other. I see this time as a good trial period for us both to figure out how to better communicate when we can and stay busy when we can't talk to help us through a future deployment. So as I sit here thinking of how long it has been since we were able to talk and hoping he is ok, yes I do realize that he is only in Missouri but they do have guns out in the field, I have started a list of things that I can do over the next couple of days until he gets back. My list includes applying for my passport (which is some kind of special government passport that I need), getting the dog her kennel for our trip, calling the vet to set up an appointment for the dog's shots, etc. Yes, I am a list and spreadsheet person, I feel lost at the grocery store without a list. So I guess my conclusion is that even though I feel more lonely than ever, I am quickly learning to keep busy.