There is nothing like the National Anthem on the 4th of July to bring a group of Army wives facing the day alone because their husbands are deployed to absolute tears. It is truly a humbling experience.
While I am spending this day alone just like I have spent the last few months I dwell on our blessings that I am thankful for. I am not going to go into details about every little thing that I am thankful for today but I will share a few:
-With receiving an email this morning I know that this one more day that I can breathe a little bit easier knowing Nathan is ok.
-I have the most amazing family in the states and group of amazing wives here for support on those days when I don't care about anything else, I am just lonely and want Nathan back. Thankfully I haven't had too many of those days.
-I have the most amazing job ever, I take care of soldiers wounded in Iraq and Afghanistan from lots of different countries. I get to help those who have given so much for the freedom and rights of others. I sometimes have a hard time not picturing Nathan on the gurneys and beds while taking care of patients, but it has made me appreciate the risk of his job and his safety thus far all the more.
-R&R is in a few weeks and I will get to see Nathan again, even if it is for just 2 weeks.
Hope you are all enjoying your 4th of July, enjoy some good BBQ for me and when the National Anthem plays please remember all of those soldiers who have fought or are still fighting.