Hi all!
I have been one busy girl. We finally had R&R and took an amazing cruise to Rome, Sicily, Athens, Turkey, Crete and back to Rome. I promise to post photos this weekend, as I procrastinate in doing my homework. A little, funny story to share to give you a sneak peek into our time together. Another funny cat story, for those of you who don't remember or don't know go back to my blog about our flight here. The stories involve the same cat. So the most current goes as this:
It's the morning we are supposed to be leaving for the airport, it's about 2 AM. We are getting ready and realize that we haven't seen one of our cats. We immediately go outside after quickly searching the house. This is the cat who likes to try to get out and usually goes to the same place when she gets out and is relatively easy to find. I immediately sent Nathan towards the area she usually goes to, which happens to be in the neighbor's yard, yes the neighbor has helped me catch her at one point. Low and behold we pick up a set of eyes reflecting from the light of the flash light. Nathan starts going after the eyes and I see the cat move around the house. So while standing on our side of the fence and shining my light into the neighbor's yard I am trying to guide Nathan to the last place I saw the cat. We do this for a while, me occasionally seeing the cat and trying to guide Nathan to her, but unlike any other time she has gotten out she hasn't been able to catch yet. We finally say enough chasing her right now, as we cannot locate her again. We head inside to get some food for her to set out to hopefully lure her back in and start discussing whether to cancel our plans for the trip or not if we can't find her. While walking in the house to get her some food, I see the damn cat sitting in the office. She had been inside the whole time we were outside. We just chased someone else's cat around our neighbor's yard. Oops!
As one of our family members says it sounds like an episode out of I Love Lucy, which I have to agree it does. Sometimes I think our life seems like a mini circus.
Lots of photos to come!