Friday, July 9, 2010

Thrown for a loop!

I was completely thrown for a loop yesterday. I was expecting to talk to Nathan at all yesterday knowing that he was heading for more field training exercises (FTXs). So I was surprised when he called me yesterday afternoon, but then he gave me some information that has thrown me for a complete loop since yesterday afternoon. I have always known that Nathan has wanted to go to Sapper school, essentially special forces school for those in the Corps of Engineers. So 4 1/2 weeks before we are supposed to move Nathan was offered a spot in the Sapper school that starts right after the school that he is at right now. If Nathan takes this school date it would push out move date back to September.
I know that this what Nathan has wanted since he found out he was branched into the Corps of Engineers, but it also changes so much that I have felt completely overwhelmed since hearing the news. So even though I am not sure about what we are going to do if Nathan does indeed take the school, I want him to take the school since I know that it is school that he really wants.
I think my biggest frustration at this point in time is that I don't know for sure or not whether Nathan is taking the school date or not, and I won't know until at least Sunday when he comes back from the field.
So I have now had 24 hrs to contemplate the change that this could possibly mean, I have come with a list (I am sure I am missing something but I will embrace whatever I have missed as I come across it)
-I have already given my move out notice to my landlord. I tried to call my landlord to see if he would be willing to let me stay longer, he said most likely not as I have already given notice. So hopefully our stuff can still be packed at the same time and then I will find a place to stay for a month. Oddly enough I have a friend that has offered to take the dog for the month, leaving me to find a place for myself.
-Luckily I have not given my official notice for work so I can continue to work.
-Jake has already taken my car, so I will once again be having to look for a car for a month. A really good friend is letting me use his extra car this week, but I would feel wrong asking to use it for an entire month in addition.
-I have already made vet appointments and flight arrangements for the cat and dog, I know these can be changed but its still just that extra hassle of having to change them.
-I am supposed to fly out on Thursday to go see Nathan graduate and then we were going to drive back together. I still plan on going to Missouri, but now I guess I will need to find out whether Nathan is going to school or not so I know whether to buy a plane ticket or not.
- If Nathan does go to school and they still pack up the house as planned it will mean that I will have even more last minute stuff to take care of than planned, I don't have that much more to do but had planned on Nathan being here to help me.
-This will be another month that we will be apart before his deployment.
-Add this on top of still trying to find a place for the other cat, the home I thought I had set up for her fell through and trying to find a place for my mom still.

On the positive side:
-More time to make save up money before the move
-More time to get my mom settled in her new place
-Another month to spend with family and friends before we leave

Nathan wants to make this decision together, which I am glad. In case you have not heard we announced that we are engaged to Nathan's family this past weekend, my family has known for a little bit, but we wanted to tell everyone in person which is why his family is just now finding out. We need to get used to making these decisions together since we are now in this together for the long haul.
So for now I am praying and trusting in God that he will point us in the right direction and make the right decision that is best for both of us.
I promise to keep everyone posted as to what we end up deciding to do.

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