Thursday, January 13, 2011

Do I have the strength?

The question that has been finding itself in my head repeatedly lately is do I have the strength to make it through this deployment? Do I have the strength to continue everyday for a year knowing Nathan is in a war zone? Do I have the strength to go weeks without being able to talk to him? Do I have the strength to make through this year without being close to my family and friends? With the deployment coming up very soon we have been attending all of the mandatory pre-deployment sessions and I sit there during these sessions about where the guys are going to live, what their mission is, etc. asking all of these questions of myself. 
I went to my first batallion coffee last night, kind of exciting, only certain people (basically you husband has to be ranking high enough) are invited. During the coffee we made deployment notebooks, its just a basic composition notebook that we decorated. The idea is that I would write something in it, mail it to Nathan, he writes something in it, mails it to me, etc. As we were decorating I was listening to some of the senior spouses talk about previous deployments, it made me wonder do I have the strength that they do to endure deployment after deployment? I admire them for their strength, courage, and resiliency. I can only hope that I am half the military spouse that they are.
So as I face this deployment I keep reminding myself that our love is Army Strong. I have a network of the greatest women (Army wives) to rely on, I truly mean this. I have loving and supporting family and friends at home that I know I can always call if I need to. I know that when Nathan returns our love will be stronger than ever. I know that I will gain more from this experience than I could ever imagine. I know my pride in Nathan will be overabundant!

1 comment:

  1. I don't think everyone can do it but I truly believe you have the internal strength to help you make it through.
