Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Don't knock at my door

So I wouldn't say that I have lived in paranoia the last couple of months, but definitely worry is always sitting in the back of my mind. A couple of months ago I knew the unit was on black out, all communications are shut down going in and out of the unit when a death or serious injury occurs until the family has been notified. I had let Ellie outside around 9 PM, and she usually goes and does her thing and then comes back to the same door that I let her out of. All of a sudden I heard a very high pitched panic bark coming from the other door, I went running thinking the worst, when I opened the door it turns out that another dog in the neighborhood had her cornered on our front porch.
We learned yesterday that someone at the camp that Nathan just left had passed away. I have also been working full time at the hospital, in case you didn't hear, and had a particularly difficult case of a young soldier badly injured from Afghanistan yesterday. Even though you want to believe nothing can happen to those you love days like yesterday just help sink in the fact that things can and do happen. So this morning, after working the late shift last night, I have someone ringing the doorbell and knocking at the door at about 8 AM. I don't have anyone that comes to the house without first telling me because of where I live, everyone I know first calls since its a long drive to get here to make sure I am home. So needless to say I panicked this morning when there was a persistent knock and ringing of the bell, I didn't answer at first because mostly I didn't want to know what I may find out if I did. Turns out that it was someone to do the yearly inspection on the heater, apparently in Germany you are just supposed to know that it's been about a year since the last inspection and to be ready any day for them to show up.
So please don't knock at my door, unless of course I know you are coming. I do not like the panic feeling that I get when I don't know who is at my door.

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