Sunday, October 10, 2010

I know its been awhile!

I know its been awhile since my last blog. An update since my last blog: we know have internet! I will post pictures from the last 2 months, crazy to think that we have been here 2 months. This week I have been alone, Nathan is in the field training for a month, anyways I kept really busy this week taking classes with ACS. The class that I took this week is all about helping people feel comfortable in Germany and be able to get around. We took the bus, the train, went shopping, etc. It was a lot of fun and I made some new friends!
We are trying to figure out when to have the wedding. Part of the problem is we do not have official deployment orders, just a bunch of rumors as to when its going to happen. Right now we are thinking either July or August 2011, we will let everyone know as soon as we do. We really want to share this day with as many of our family and friends as possible.
Here are the pics, I am going to have to post them under multiple blog titles.
These pics are from Missouri when Nathan graduated from his officer course:

1 comment:

  1. I think the 2nd pic from the bottom of this post is pretty great. As always, it's been fun catching up on your blog!
