Are you or your loved one in the military and have orders to move overseas soon? Need some advice that I wish someone would have told me or not told me when we were moving here?
1. Get your paperwork started immediately to have an accompanied tour. It takes a long time for all of the paperwork to come through. It is by far easier to move all together as a couple or family than it is to move the service member and family members later.
2. Don't believe when others tell you that your American made SUV will not fit on the roads. Yes it may not fit in all of the parking garages if you have a big SUV but they do fit in the roadways and you can always find a different parking lot. I had been told a couple of absolute horror stories about SUVs not fitting, so we chose not bring my car, a cross-over SUV. We are now trying to do all of the paperwork to ship it, but I can promise you it would have been easier to do in the first place.
3. You will make an electricity mistake. Don't plug in anything to the wall until you are confident that you have figured out all the tricks of the electricity here. Hint: you can find the voltage on the plug in or bottom of almost everything you need to plug in. If it lists 120-240 V then it is dual voltage and you only need a simple adapter, however some of these things do have a switch that you will need to flip to move between the 2 voltage types. Pretty much everything else will need a transformer, make sure to match whatever you are plugging in to the appropriate size transformer. You can plug in your table lamps with a simple adapter if you change out the light bulb to a 220 light bulb.
4. If you are brining pets make sure to check with your vet about everything you need to get your pet here in plenty of time. We need to have rabies shots that had been given over 30 days before our departure but not more than a year before our departure. You will also need a health certificate, unless these are done at a military vet they need to be signed by your state, which can take a few days. Remember that these need to be not more than 10 days old at time of entrance into Germany. Also, make sure to try to avoid flying through the UK if you can, the UK has a mandatory quarantine period, even if you are only there for a layover.
5. Jobs are few and far between for family members, be prepared to have it take a long time to get a job or not be able to get a job at all in our chosen field. There are jobs, you might have to leave your field of interest though. The trick to getting a good job is to first volunteer, get your name known, and then when a position opens up they will have your name in mind.
6. It is way too easy to stay on post or around post all the time. You are living outside the US, get out there and travel. There are so many places to see and you may not be this close to all of them ever again.
Again, I will add more as I think of more. These are some of the big ones that I wish people would have told me or been honest about when we were moving here.
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Deployment advice...
So I had someone ask me for some deployment advice as she is facing her husband's first deployment soon.
1. I don't care how many deployments you have been through please don't judge me or make me feel inferior because this is my first deployment. I respect those who have gone through multiple deployments, but don't make me feel inferior because of it. For those who are going through their first deployments, everyone has had a first deployment, after this you too can be one of those seasoned wives.
2. Find something in common that you can talk about. Your loved one will most likely not be able to talk about what he/she is doing all the time. It does get old being the only one talking about what your day to day activities. Nathan and I have a Bible study that we do together and we read books together and then talk about them. We kind of have our very own book club going on.
3. Make lots of connections and use those connections to stay busy. Go to the spouse's club meetings, go to garrison events, etc. It helps you feel more connected to the unit that your loved one is deployed with. You will have more common connections to talk about.
4. Have a communication plan made before he leaves. Are you going to talk by phone, email or IM? Understand that even if your loved one says that you will get a form of communication every day some things happen, don't panic if you don't hear anything for a few days.
5. Journal. This is my saving grace some days, it gives me an outlet to express my feelings whether anger at the deployment, utter loneliness, etc.
I am sure I can come up with lots more but here is the start of my list. I will add more as I think of them.
1. I don't care how many deployments you have been through please don't judge me or make me feel inferior because this is my first deployment. I respect those who have gone through multiple deployments, but don't make me feel inferior because of it. For those who are going through their first deployments, everyone has had a first deployment, after this you too can be one of those seasoned wives.
2. Find something in common that you can talk about. Your loved one will most likely not be able to talk about what he/she is doing all the time. It does get old being the only one talking about what your day to day activities. Nathan and I have a Bible study that we do together and we read books together and then talk about them. We kind of have our very own book club going on.
3. Make lots of connections and use those connections to stay busy. Go to the spouse's club meetings, go to garrison events, etc. It helps you feel more connected to the unit that your loved one is deployed with. You will have more common connections to talk about.
4. Have a communication plan made before he leaves. Are you going to talk by phone, email or IM? Understand that even if your loved one says that you will get a form of communication every day some things happen, don't panic if you don't hear anything for a few days.
5. Journal. This is my saving grace some days, it gives me an outlet to express my feelings whether anger at the deployment, utter loneliness, etc.
I am sure I can come up with lots more but here is the start of my list. I will add more as I think of them.
Ticking away days of this deployment
So I have to admit part of the reason I have posted much during this deployment is that I feel that I don't have much to blog about. After my first couple of trips I felt guilty going on trips without Nathan. I felt guilty that I was seeing amazing sights and tasting fantastic foods without him around. I felt like he was far off taking care of so much for our country and here I was having a great time without him. Because of this guilt and my paperwork finally going through for my job I have not traveled as much. My job has been a tremendous help in keeping me busy instead of traveling.
I am going to post some pics from our cruise over R&R, we left out of Rome then traveled to Sicily, Athens, Turkey, Crete and back to Rome. We had a truly amazing time and cannot wait for another cruise. The top pic is a beach/coast line in Sicily, the middle is Mt. Etna, an active volcano that we went to Sicily, the bottom is from one of the formal nights aboard the cruise. I will post more later...
I am going to post some pics from our cruise over R&R, we left out of Rome then traveled to Sicily, Athens, Turkey, Crete and back to Rome. We had a truly amazing time and cannot wait for another cruise. The top pic is a beach/coast line in Sicily, the middle is Mt. Etna, an active volcano that we went to Sicily, the bottom is from one of the formal nights aboard the cruise. I will post more later...
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Been busy
Hi all!
I have been one busy girl. We finally had R&R and took an amazing cruise to Rome, Sicily, Athens, Turkey, Crete and back to Rome. I promise to post photos this weekend, as I procrastinate in doing my homework. A little, funny story to share to give you a sneak peek into our time together. Another funny cat story, for those of you who don't remember or don't know go back to my blog about our flight here. The stories involve the same cat. So the most current goes as this:
It's the morning we are supposed to be leaving for the airport, it's about 2 AM. We are getting ready and realize that we haven't seen one of our cats. We immediately go outside after quickly searching the house. This is the cat who likes to try to get out and usually goes to the same place when she gets out and is relatively easy to find. I immediately sent Nathan towards the area she usually goes to, which happens to be in the neighbor's yard, yes the neighbor has helped me catch her at one point. Low and behold we pick up a set of eyes reflecting from the light of the flash light. Nathan starts going after the eyes and I see the cat move around the house. So while standing on our side of the fence and shining my light into the neighbor's yard I am trying to guide Nathan to the last place I saw the cat. We do this for a while, me occasionally seeing the cat and trying to guide Nathan to her, but unlike any other time she has gotten out she hasn't been able to catch yet. We finally say enough chasing her right now, as we cannot locate her again. We head inside to get some food for her to set out to hopefully lure her back in and start discussing whether to cancel our plans for the trip or not if we can't find her. While walking in the house to get her some food, I see the damn cat sitting in the office. She had been inside the whole time we were outside. We just chased someone else's cat around our neighbor's yard. Oops!
As one of our family members says it sounds like an episode out of I Love Lucy, which I have to agree it does. Sometimes I think our life seems like a mini circus.
Lots of photos to come!
I have been one busy girl. We finally had R&R and took an amazing cruise to Rome, Sicily, Athens, Turkey, Crete and back to Rome. I promise to post photos this weekend, as I procrastinate in doing my homework. A little, funny story to share to give you a sneak peek into our time together. Another funny cat story, for those of you who don't remember or don't know go back to my blog about our flight here. The stories involve the same cat. So the most current goes as this:
It's the morning we are supposed to be leaving for the airport, it's about 2 AM. We are getting ready and realize that we haven't seen one of our cats. We immediately go outside after quickly searching the house. This is the cat who likes to try to get out and usually goes to the same place when she gets out and is relatively easy to find. I immediately sent Nathan towards the area she usually goes to, which happens to be in the neighbor's yard, yes the neighbor has helped me catch her at one point. Low and behold we pick up a set of eyes reflecting from the light of the flash light. Nathan starts going after the eyes and I see the cat move around the house. So while standing on our side of the fence and shining my light into the neighbor's yard I am trying to guide Nathan to the last place I saw the cat. We do this for a while, me occasionally seeing the cat and trying to guide Nathan to her, but unlike any other time she has gotten out she hasn't been able to catch yet. We finally say enough chasing her right now, as we cannot locate her again. We head inside to get some food for her to set out to hopefully lure her back in and start discussing whether to cancel our plans for the trip or not if we can't find her. While walking in the house to get her some food, I see the damn cat sitting in the office. She had been inside the whole time we were outside. We just chased someone else's cat around our neighbor's yard. Oops!
As one of our family members says it sounds like an episode out of I Love Lucy, which I have to agree it does. Sometimes I think our life seems like a mini circus.
Lots of photos to come!
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Counting our fortunes
There is nothing like the National Anthem on the 4th of July to bring a group of Army wives facing the day alone because their husbands are deployed to absolute tears. It is truly a humbling experience.
While I am spending this day alone just like I have spent the last few months I dwell on our blessings that I am thankful for. I am not going to go into details about every little thing that I am thankful for today but I will share a few:
-With receiving an email this morning I know that this one more day that I can breathe a little bit easier knowing Nathan is ok.
-I have the most amazing family in the states and group of amazing wives here for support on those days when I don't care about anything else, I am just lonely and want Nathan back. Thankfully I haven't had too many of those days.
-I have the most amazing job ever, I take care of soldiers wounded in Iraq and Afghanistan from lots of different countries. I get to help those who have given so much for the freedom and rights of others. I sometimes have a hard time not picturing Nathan on the gurneys and beds while taking care of patients, but it has made me appreciate the risk of his job and his safety thus far all the more.
-R&R is in a few weeks and I will get to see Nathan again, even if it is for just 2 weeks.
Hope you are all enjoying your 4th of July, enjoy some good BBQ for me and when the National Anthem plays please remember all of those soldiers who have fought or are still fighting.
While I am spending this day alone just like I have spent the last few months I dwell on our blessings that I am thankful for. I am not going to go into details about every little thing that I am thankful for today but I will share a few:
-With receiving an email this morning I know that this one more day that I can breathe a little bit easier knowing Nathan is ok.
-I have the most amazing family in the states and group of amazing wives here for support on those days when I don't care about anything else, I am just lonely and want Nathan back. Thankfully I haven't had too many of those days.
-I have the most amazing job ever, I take care of soldiers wounded in Iraq and Afghanistan from lots of different countries. I get to help those who have given so much for the freedom and rights of others. I sometimes have a hard time not picturing Nathan on the gurneys and beds while taking care of patients, but it has made me appreciate the risk of his job and his safety thus far all the more.
-R&R is in a few weeks and I will get to see Nathan again, even if it is for just 2 weeks.
Hope you are all enjoying your 4th of July, enjoy some good BBQ for me and when the National Anthem plays please remember all of those soldiers who have fought or are still fighting.
Sunday, June 26, 2011
How could I be mad?
So on Saturday I once again had an unexpected visitor at my house. Again early in the morning and very persistent at my door. I looked out the window before going even close to the door and decided that no way would everyone thats supposed to make a notification be in the tiny hunk of junk outside my house. There might have been room for 2 people at one point, but with the door being bashed in the way it was I am going to go out on a limb and say the passenger side is no longer in use. So I decided for the time being it was safe to open my door. I was pleasantly surprised by flowers being delivered that Nathan had sent. They are beautiful. I still feel like I am missing on what the occassion is, but I will worry about that later. For now I am going to enjoy not only the beautiful site of my flowers but the wonderful aroma.
Even though someone was knocking at my door without telling me, I really cannot be mad because of what was on the other side:
Even though someone was knocking at my door without telling me, I really cannot be mad because of what was on the other side:
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Don't knock at my door
So I wouldn't say that I have lived in paranoia the last couple of months, but definitely worry is always sitting in the back of my mind. A couple of months ago I knew the unit was on black out, all communications are shut down going in and out of the unit when a death or serious injury occurs until the family has been notified. I had let Ellie outside around 9 PM, and she usually goes and does her thing and then comes back to the same door that I let her out of. All of a sudden I heard a very high pitched panic bark coming from the other door, I went running thinking the worst, when I opened the door it turns out that another dog in the neighborhood had her cornered on our front porch.
We learned yesterday that someone at the camp that Nathan just left had passed away. I have also been working full time at the hospital, in case you didn't hear, and had a particularly difficult case of a young soldier badly injured from Afghanistan yesterday. Even though you want to believe nothing can happen to those you love days like yesterday just help sink in the fact that things can and do happen. So this morning, after working the late shift last night, I have someone ringing the doorbell and knocking at the door at about 8 AM. I don't have anyone that comes to the house without first telling me because of where I live, everyone I know first calls since its a long drive to get here to make sure I am home. So needless to say I panicked this morning when there was a persistent knock and ringing of the bell, I didn't answer at first because mostly I didn't want to know what I may find out if I did. Turns out that it was someone to do the yearly inspection on the heater, apparently in Germany you are just supposed to know that it's been about a year since the last inspection and to be ready any day for them to show up.
So please don't knock at my door, unless of course I know you are coming. I do not like the panic feeling that I get when I don't know who is at my door.
We learned yesterday that someone at the camp that Nathan just left had passed away. I have also been working full time at the hospital, in case you didn't hear, and had a particularly difficult case of a young soldier badly injured from Afghanistan yesterday. Even though you want to believe nothing can happen to those you love days like yesterday just help sink in the fact that things can and do happen. So this morning, after working the late shift last night, I have someone ringing the doorbell and knocking at the door at about 8 AM. I don't have anyone that comes to the house without first telling me because of where I live, everyone I know first calls since its a long drive to get here to make sure I am home. So needless to say I panicked this morning when there was a persistent knock and ringing of the bell, I didn't answer at first because mostly I didn't want to know what I may find out if I did. Turns out that it was someone to do the yearly inspection on the heater, apparently in Germany you are just supposed to know that it's been about a year since the last inspection and to be ready any day for them to show up.
So please don't knock at my door, unless of course I know you are coming. I do not like the panic feeling that I get when I don't know who is at my door.
Sunday, May 8, 2011
So much appreciation this week for so many...
For those of you who do not know this week is nurse's week, Friday was military spouse appreciation day, and today is Mother's day. I hope you all know that is Mother's day and have called your mothers but I thought I would inform you on the other appreciations this week that have come to mean so much to me. I would like to point out that there is only a physician appreciation day, the nurses get a whole week. I appreciate every nurse I have ever worked with and look forward to working with many more nurses in my career. Go Nurses! The Friday before every Mother's day is military spouse appreciation day, to celebrate I went to a comedy show put on by Armed Forces Entertainment Thursday night and then Heidelberg for a formal celebration and my friend's graduation on Friday and Saturday. I have to say that this last year has given me an entire new respect for military spouses.
As I thought about this Mother's Day I thought about how much this past year has changed for my family. It has given me new light and respect for those whom I wish to thank this Mother's Day. First all Nathan and I each only have one Grandma still alive, and we both love these women dearly. Where else can a child or adult turn in times of wanting a hug, a word of encouragement, comfort food or just some attention than his or her Grandma. Even if you are in trouble with your own parents, your Grandma is always there for you. I cannot express how awesome it was to meet Nathan's Grandma last summer and I hope to see her much more and hear even more stories. I am at a loss of words to express how much my own Grandma has meant to me this past year, times have been tough but she has always been there. And Grandma I love hearing your stories, seeing your pictures and eating your food more than you can imagine. Happy Mother's Day to our Grandmas!
The last person I want to wish a Happy Mother's Day to is mother-in-law. You have shown me more love and support this last year than I could have ever asked for. I hope that some day when we have kids and they get married that I can show the same love and respect for their spouses as you have shown me. I look forward to hearing more stories about Nathan and your family as well. And I want you to know that we will always be able to turn to you for a hug, words of encouragement and comfort food as well. I hope our relationship can only grow.
As I thought about this Mother's Day I thought about how much this past year has changed for my family. It has given me new light and respect for those whom I wish to thank this Mother's Day. First all Nathan and I each only have one Grandma still alive, and we both love these women dearly. Where else can a child or adult turn in times of wanting a hug, a word of encouragement, comfort food or just some attention than his or her Grandma. Even if you are in trouble with your own parents, your Grandma is always there for you. I cannot express how awesome it was to meet Nathan's Grandma last summer and I hope to see her much more and hear even more stories. I am at a loss of words to express how much my own Grandma has meant to me this past year, times have been tough but she has always been there. And Grandma I love hearing your stories, seeing your pictures and eating your food more than you can imagine. Happy Mother's Day to our Grandmas!
The last person I want to wish a Happy Mother's Day to is mother-in-law. You have shown me more love and support this last year than I could have ever asked for. I hope that some day when we have kids and they get married that I can show the same love and respect for their spouses as you have shown me. I look forward to hearing more stories about Nathan and your family as well. And I want you to know that we will always be able to turn to you for a hug, words of encouragement and comfort food as well. I hope our relationship can only grow.
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Is my blog a failure?
So I was recently told that my blog was a failure, while I am not the best blogger in the world I did take offense to this as I do not think my blog is a failure. So here is my first post and definitely not my last post to bring my blog back to life.
I recently was fortunate enough to be able to go back to the states for about a week, it was a very quick trip. I surprised my grandma and grandpa up in WY, saw my dad and his little one in CO and met my nieces and nephew for the first time in NC. The trip felt like I was always on the move and never had enough time at any one place. It was a spirit boost to see all of my family, no matter how short the trip. I needed the extra boost and encouragement, to remind myself of why I am living over here alone, without my family or my husband. I look forward to the day that I can have both, but until then I will keep traveling to keep myself busy.
The day after I got back from the states I left for Croatia, land of white sand beaches, beautiful clear blue water and warm, sunny days. I had the best time there with 10 other women and 4 kids, minus the part where I came down with a cold. The first day we found ourselves at the most amazing hotel, when we walked off our patio we were literally at the water, a little walk away and we found some beaches. We spent the afternoon taking in the sun and enjoying our surroundings. The next day we went white water rafting, we knew the river that we were going to raft bordered Croatia and Bosnia, but what we didn't realize was that we would be spending our day in Bosnia. We first drove into Bosnia to find the rafting company, we hoped in the river on the Bosnia side, only a small part of the river come to find out borders the two countries most of our day was surrounded by Bosnia on both sides of the river. We rafted class III/IV rapids, went down some falls and in all had a great time. The next day we chartered a boat to take us out along the coast of the city that our hotel was in, we wanted to go out to some of the islands but the sea was too choppy for the captains comfort. I did join some of the ladies and jumped off the side of the boat and swam in the Adriatic Sea. Then our final day we enjoyed the town a bit before heading home. I have to say if anyone is looking for a spectacular vacation look into Croatia. The customer service everywhere we went was amazing (the best we have had in Europe), the beaches were pretty, the country is approx 70% national parks so there is tons to see and enjoy, and the overall experience will take your breath away. I am posting a couple pics now of rafting and will post more pics later.
I recently was fortunate enough to be able to go back to the states for about a week, it was a very quick trip. I surprised my grandma and grandpa up in WY, saw my dad and his little one in CO and met my nieces and nephew for the first time in NC. The trip felt like I was always on the move and never had enough time at any one place. It was a spirit boost to see all of my family, no matter how short the trip. I needed the extra boost and encouragement, to remind myself of why I am living over here alone, without my family or my husband. I look forward to the day that I can have both, but until then I will keep traveling to keep myself busy.
The day after I got back from the states I left for Croatia, land of white sand beaches, beautiful clear blue water and warm, sunny days. I had the best time there with 10 other women and 4 kids, minus the part where I came down with a cold. The first day we found ourselves at the most amazing hotel, when we walked off our patio we were literally at the water, a little walk away and we found some beaches. We spent the afternoon taking in the sun and enjoying our surroundings. The next day we went white water rafting, we knew the river that we were going to raft bordered Croatia and Bosnia, but what we didn't realize was that we would be spending our day in Bosnia. We first drove into Bosnia to find the rafting company, we hoped in the river on the Bosnia side, only a small part of the river come to find out borders the two countries most of our day was surrounded by Bosnia on both sides of the river. We rafted class III/IV rapids, went down some falls and in all had a great time. The next day we chartered a boat to take us out along the coast of the city that our hotel was in, we wanted to go out to some of the islands but the sea was too choppy for the captains comfort. I did join some of the ladies and jumped off the side of the boat and swam in the Adriatic Sea. Then our final day we enjoyed the town a bit before heading home. I have to say if anyone is looking for a spectacular vacation look into Croatia. The customer service everywhere we went was amazing (the best we have had in Europe), the beaches were pretty, the country is approx 70% national parks so there is tons to see and enjoy, and the overall experience will take your breath away. I am posting a couple pics now of rafting and will post more pics later.
I am the second one on the left. |
First on the left. |
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Sardinia photos
A couple of weeks after Nathan left I went on the first of hopefully many trips to occupy my time and keep my mind off of him not being here. I went to Sardinia, an island off of Italy, more specifically to the city of Alghero. Here are some of the photos of our trip.
It was honestly the most amazing trip for a bunch of wives trying to keep their minds off of things- all we did the whole time we were there was relax on the patio apartment that we rented, eat amazing food that we prepared ourselves, walk around the city and spend time on the beach. I most definitely plan to go back when Nathan comes home to go sight seeing and to explore a cave system right on the coast.
Sunday, March 27, 2011
So I am going to admit this once and for all: I am not the best blogger by any means! I always have the greatest of intentions of writing a great blog, but these intentions usually come at about 1 AM and then when I wake up they are gone. I was and still am trying to load a bunch of pictures, I have some from Belgium, Sardinia and London to share. However, the internet at the new house is very slow even on a good day and the connection keeps timing out. If I am unsuccessful today I will got to post tomorrow and try again there.
A little update in our lives: Nathan has been gone now about a month and a half, the time has gone by fairly fast so far, hopefully it continues. We are finally able to plan a formal wedding ceremony, it will be in Aug. in Colorado. I am officially volunteering with the hospital in the PACU 3-4 days a week right now and loving every minute of it. I find taking care of soldiers and their families, especially wounded soldiers from Iraq and Afghanistan very rewarding.
A little update in our lives: Nathan has been gone now about a month and a half, the time has gone by fairly fast so far, hopefully it continues. We are finally able to plan a formal wedding ceremony, it will be in Aug. in Colorado. I am officially volunteering with the hospital in the PACU 3-4 days a week right now and loving every minute of it. I find taking care of soldiers and their families, especially wounded soldiers from Iraq and Afghanistan very rewarding.
Friday, March 4, 2011
Nathan in mind
I have some amazing photos from Sardinia, as soon as I am done playing with the photoshop on them I will post them, I promise. In the meantime I wanted to say a quick word (this is a play on a Hallmark card, I have changed it some):
To Nathan:
I miss you and love you. No matter how many times I say it, yell it and barely mumble it in my tears it doesn't change the fact that you've got a job to do. Even if I yelled if from the roof of the pentagon, you still wouldn't be sent home to me (actually if I did yell from the roof of the pentagon they probably would send you home to deal with that crazy woman you left behind). So I guess I just have to get used to it. The person I love, the person I admire, the wonderful, amazing soldier that I adore with all of my heart is away on business. It may take me a while to get used to it, actually hasn't been that bad yet, still early though. As I am dealing with you having a job I wish and pray that you stay safe and be careful.
Sorry for the gushy letter, I just wanted to share my mind thought as of recent.
To Nathan:
I miss you and love you. No matter how many times I say it, yell it and barely mumble it in my tears it doesn't change the fact that you've got a job to do. Even if I yelled if from the roof of the pentagon, you still wouldn't be sent home to me (actually if I did yell from the roof of the pentagon they probably would send you home to deal with that crazy woman you left behind). So I guess I just have to get used to it. The person I love, the person I admire, the wonderful, amazing soldier that I adore with all of my heart is away on business. It may take me a while to get used to it, actually hasn't been that bad yet, still early though. As I am dealing with you having a job I wish and pray that you stay safe and be careful.
Sorry for the gushy letter, I just wanted to share my mind thought as of recent.
Monday, February 21, 2011
Proud to be an American
I am proud to be an American. I am sure that we have all said this, but have you really given thought to what it means to make this statement?
While Nathan was preparing to deploy we talked a lot about the support that we were feeling from our family and friends. We could not ask for a better support system of our family and friends, we know we can make it through this time of him being gone with all of our family and friends behind us. However, when we were in the states before we left last summer, and even some here, when we would talk about Afghanistan we would hear people talking about it like there were no Americans there, like they had forgotten that it is still a war zone. We would also hear from people who are so against our President or against war that they did not support our soldiers wherever they may be deployed to. It was one of these remarks that made me start writing this post today. I wish I could show every one of those people the sacrifices that our men and women are making, not because they want to but because it is what was asked of them. And to remind those people that the reason that they have the freedom to make such remarks was because of the ultimate sacrifice that soldiers made for our country. I really do not care about what people think about the war or the President or any politics for that matter I just ask that people remember that there are still soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan, remember Afghanistan is still considered a war zone, that soldiers are still dying in Iraq although its no longer deemed a war zone, and remember who protects your freedoms.
I am proud of my soldier. I am proud of the Army. I am proud of all the American military forces. I am proud to fly the flag. I am proud to put my hand over my heart for the National Anthem. I am proud to be an American.
While Nathan was preparing to deploy we talked a lot about the support that we were feeling from our family and friends. We could not ask for a better support system of our family and friends, we know we can make it through this time of him being gone with all of our family and friends behind us. However, when we were in the states before we left last summer, and even some here, when we would talk about Afghanistan we would hear people talking about it like there were no Americans there, like they had forgotten that it is still a war zone. We would also hear from people who are so against our President or against war that they did not support our soldiers wherever they may be deployed to. It was one of these remarks that made me start writing this post today. I wish I could show every one of those people the sacrifices that our men and women are making, not because they want to but because it is what was asked of them. And to remind those people that the reason that they have the freedom to make such remarks was because of the ultimate sacrifice that soldiers made for our country. I really do not care about what people think about the war or the President or any politics for that matter I just ask that people remember that there are still soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan, remember Afghanistan is still considered a war zone, that soldiers are still dying in Iraq although its no longer deemed a war zone, and remember who protects your freedoms.
I am proud of my soldier. I am proud of the Army. I am proud of all the American military forces. I am proud to fly the flag. I am proud to put my hand over my heart for the National Anthem. I am proud to be an American.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Not wanting to blog
I have to admit that the last couple of weeks I have not wanted to blog, I have not wanted to journal, I have not wanted to do anything except spend the little precious time I had left with him and then this week trying to keep myself busy so my mind wouldn't turn to him. Somehow whenever I tried to sit down to blog or to journal I immediately felt that I was either wasting time that I could have had with him or this week my mind immediately went to him. I have done well this week to stay busy, so busy as a matter of fact that I have not unpacked a single box this week, which I really need to do. I have surrounded myself with amazing women who are going through the same experience I am. On Monday, Valentine's Day, we gathered and had a potluck. We all understand that we have entered this time in our lives where we take the phone to the bathroom, because heaven forbid he should call while nature calls, and we leave our dinner conversation when our phone leaves. We do not mind that conversations are just stopped short if the phone rings, we all understand that we want that minute phone call saying that they are all doing ok.
If you are looking for more travel pictures I will be going to Sardinia soon and London not too long afterwards. I am sure that I will return with some awesome pictures for everyone to see. I promise I will get back to blogging on a regular basis and promise more amazing travel photos and stories.
If you are looking for more travel pictures I will be going to Sardinia soon and London not too long afterwards. I am sure that I will return with some awesome pictures for everyone to see. I promise I will get back to blogging on a regular basis and promise more amazing travel photos and stories.
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Wish I had a time machine
With deployment quickly approaching (I cannot say when but I can tell you it is very soon) we have been busy trying to make sure we are ready for a year apart. We are most of the way through our list, thank goodness. To add to the stress of preparing for the deployment we were able to start moving out of our dreaded apartment last week into the house, hooray! After I find my camera amongst all of the boxes I will take some pictures and post. We are both very excited to finally be moving in, we love the new place. To add even more chaos to our lives the girl scout cookies were delayed, apparently a barge was over turned in the river that our cookies needed to come down delaying them for almost a week.. So I am sad to say that we are still selling cookies, I am hoping to be done within the next week. So as I sit here and wonder where all of our time has gone this week I wish I had a time machine to go back, slow down and spend more time with Nathan before his departure. It kills me every time I have to leave for a cookie booth sale or to go meet someone for the house, I wish I could pull out my machine slow down the time we have together. I have come to cherish each minute we have together, I hope he knows how much I am going to truly miss him.
P.S.- If anybody has any care package ideas please forward me your ideas. I have some ideas but feel I have been lacking creativity lately. Also, it is free for me to ship to Nathan from here, so if anyone would like me to send him something let me know.
P.S.- If anybody has any care package ideas please forward me your ideas. I have some ideas but feel I have been lacking creativity lately. Also, it is free for me to ship to Nathan from here, so if anyone would like me to send him something let me know.
Monday, January 24, 2011
My new love- Italy
Last weekend since Nathan had a long weekend so we went to Venice, Italy. What a wonderful city! It is unlike any other city in the world. The city has no roads, there is one road leading in and a parking garage at the end of the road, the rest of the time you make your way either on foot, a gondola (which are incredibly expensive), or the city bus system (large boats). The city was greatly influenced by its artists, so there is more art to see in the city than anyone could imagine, it was magnificent. We also visited a couple of palaces, the glass making island of Murano right beside the city, ate some incredible food, visited some awesome markets, took in the traditional venetian carnival masks, etc. There was so much to do, yet in 2 days we felt like we knocked out the city. The city itself is really not very big making it very easy to do lots in 1 day. If you plan your trip to Venice correctly I would say plan on not more than 2 days there, then move to the mainland and explore the rest of Italy, which is on my list to do.
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Do I have the strength?
The question that has been finding itself in my head repeatedly lately is do I have the strength to make it through this deployment? Do I have the strength to continue everyday for a year knowing Nathan is in a war zone? Do I have the strength to go weeks without being able to talk to him? Do I have the strength to make through this year without being close to my family and friends? With the deployment coming up very soon we have been attending all of the mandatory pre-deployment sessions and I sit there during these sessions about where the guys are going to live, what their mission is, etc. asking all of these questions of myself.
I went to my first batallion coffee last night, kind of exciting, only certain people (basically you husband has to be ranking high enough) are invited. During the coffee we made deployment notebooks, its just a basic composition notebook that we decorated. The idea is that I would write something in it, mail it to Nathan, he writes something in it, mails it to me, etc. As we were decorating I was listening to some of the senior spouses talk about previous deployments, it made me wonder do I have the strength that they do to endure deployment after deployment? I admire them for their strength, courage, and resiliency. I can only hope that I am half the military spouse that they are.
So as I face this deployment I keep reminding myself that our love is Army Strong. I have a network of the greatest women (Army wives) to rely on, I truly mean this. I have loving and supporting family and friends at home that I know I can always call if I need to. I know that when Nathan returns our love will be stronger than ever. I know that I will gain more from this experience than I could ever imagine. I know my pride in Nathan will be overabundant!
I went to my first batallion coffee last night, kind of exciting, only certain people (basically you husband has to be ranking high enough) are invited. During the coffee we made deployment notebooks, its just a basic composition notebook that we decorated. The idea is that I would write something in it, mail it to Nathan, he writes something in it, mails it to me, etc. As we were decorating I was listening to some of the senior spouses talk about previous deployments, it made me wonder do I have the strength that they do to endure deployment after deployment? I admire them for their strength, courage, and resiliency. I can only hope that I am half the military spouse that they are.
So as I face this deployment I keep reminding myself that our love is Army Strong. I have a network of the greatest women (Army wives) to rely on, I truly mean this. I have loving and supporting family and friends at home that I know I can always call if I need to. I know that when Nathan returns our love will be stronger than ever. I know that I will gain more from this experience than I could ever imagine. I know my pride in Nathan will be overabundant!
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Homesick or what?
I do not know if it is the upcoming deployment, the recent holidays, my finishing practically every class I can take and finding no new ones to take, or a combination of all of the combined but I have found myself not enjoying Germany that much lately. Don't get me wrong I love being here with Nathan, I love the traveling and trying new foods, but there is a part of me that says its been long enough, lets go back to the states. What I do not enjoy is not feeling like my life has a meaning, the continuing struggle to find a job (tired of all these promising interviews, if you say that you are interested then just hire me already, but the economy is effecting everything here as well). I miss being a nurse, I miss having a purpose everyday in getting up and going to work. How many people can say that about their jobs? I love being a nurse, there is nothing that I wouldn't give up right now to get up, put my scrubs on and go save some lives. I miss being near my family, I am not saying that I have to live in the same state, but not an ocean away. It has been a tough year on my family and especially not being home for the holidays has been hard for me. I have a whole list of things, while little things they all add up, that annoy me right now about being here; paying to have to pee at a public location, not being able to find the foods that I wish to purchase at the commissary, the ever changing exchange rate (it is getting better the last couple of weeks), etc.
I will not lie, I am frightened about being here by myself during the deployment, I have considered going home but then I realized that by being out of Germany more than 90 days I lose my command sponsorship and visa allowing me to be here, so I will stay knowing that being with Nathan post deployment will be worth it. But perhaps I will be making a couple of visits home during the deployment, and maybe even have some visitors here, hint hint! So I am not really sure that I am homesick but more trying to find my place and purpose here in Germany.
I will not lie, I am frightened about being here by myself during the deployment, I have considered going home but then I realized that by being out of Germany more than 90 days I lose my command sponsorship and visa allowing me to be here, so I will stay knowing that being with Nathan post deployment will be worth it. But perhaps I will be making a couple of visits home during the deployment, and maybe even have some visitors here, hint hint! So I am not really sure that I am homesick but more trying to find my place and purpose here in Germany.
Thursday, January 6, 2011
The holidays
We celebrated Christmas Eve with our potato salad and weiners just as planned, they were quite yummy. I will make some for any family or friends that come to visit! The rest of the day we spent time together and calling our families. Due to the massive amount of snow that we had the week prior we weren't able to go anywhere. On Christmas day we had planned on going to see the new Harry Potter movie at the movie theater, but due to the snow the truck was unable to deliver the movie. The movie theaters on all of the Army and Air Force bases in Europe share movies, so your theater may have a movie for 2 days then it is sent to the next base in line, but it should cycle back around in a couple of weeks. Anyways we made it all the way to the movie theater before we found out that they didn't have it, that was fine we just came home watched our own movies and called more family.
I wish I could say that we traveled more during the holidays, but we were unable to partly due to the snow, and partly due to trying to get all paperwork, etc. completed so that we can move at the end of the month to a hopefully safer house. We also had to spend another full two days waiting for an electrician to come fix our latest electrical issue here, I am getting tired of having to give up days upon days for electricians to only have a bandaid fix, forget fixing the bigger problem.
We were able to go to Heidelberg this time to explore the castle the city, we were there for a Christmas market in Dec. I have pics but since I am having a little bit of computer trouble I will post them later. On New Year's Eve we traveled to Baden-Baden which literally means Bath-Bath. The city is a little over 2 hours away from us, really close to the French border, we actually weaved in and out of France on one of the roads we had to take. We went to one of the many spas and enjoyed a day of relaxing in the hot mineral springs pools, brine saunas, aroma sauna rooms, hot tubs, etc. It was truly a very relaxing day for both of us. A couple of days later we headed for Trier, again we were there in Dec. for a Christmas market, this time we checked out all of the Roman ruins, city history and then headed for some wine tasting from the local vineyards. Trier boasts to be the oldest city in Germany, you can still see the old Roman city walls, the gate to enter the city, the Roman baths, and the amphitheater. The city sits right on the Mosel river and near the Saar river, so it is a great area for growing grapes. Most wines produced in the area are white wines. We found one place that will let you sample 120 of the local wines, we only tried 6 but if anybody comes to visit we will try all 120 with you!
With deployment quickly approaching we have been focused on what we want/need to do before Nathan leaves. We have made our lists, starting working on checking things off. I also have a list of things to do while he is gone; a letter a week, a package a month, etc. Because we did not get to spend as much time traveling as we were hoping over the holidays we are going to try to do so between now and when he leaves, so this weekend the plan is to go to Belgium, next weekend Italy, then 3 weeks of Girl Scout cookie sales (if you wish to purchase any for troops in Iraq or Afghanistan let me know, we can ship to them for free through the military mail system), then hopefully a couple last weeks of travel before Nathan leaves.
I wish I could say that we traveled more during the holidays, but we were unable to partly due to the snow, and partly due to trying to get all paperwork, etc. completed so that we can move at the end of the month to a hopefully safer house. We also had to spend another full two days waiting for an electrician to come fix our latest electrical issue here, I am getting tired of having to give up days upon days for electricians to only have a bandaid fix, forget fixing the bigger problem.
We were able to go to Heidelberg this time to explore the castle the city, we were there for a Christmas market in Dec. I have pics but since I am having a little bit of computer trouble I will post them later. On New Year's Eve we traveled to Baden-Baden which literally means Bath-Bath. The city is a little over 2 hours away from us, really close to the French border, we actually weaved in and out of France on one of the roads we had to take. We went to one of the many spas and enjoyed a day of relaxing in the hot mineral springs pools, brine saunas, aroma sauna rooms, hot tubs, etc. It was truly a very relaxing day for both of us. A couple of days later we headed for Trier, again we were there in Dec. for a Christmas market, this time we checked out all of the Roman ruins, city history and then headed for some wine tasting from the local vineyards. Trier boasts to be the oldest city in Germany, you can still see the old Roman city walls, the gate to enter the city, the Roman baths, and the amphitheater. The city sits right on the Mosel river and near the Saar river, so it is a great area for growing grapes. Most wines produced in the area are white wines. We found one place that will let you sample 120 of the local wines, we only tried 6 but if anybody comes to visit we will try all 120 with you!
With deployment quickly approaching we have been focused on what we want/need to do before Nathan leaves. We have made our lists, starting working on checking things off. I also have a list of things to do while he is gone; a letter a week, a package a month, etc. Because we did not get to spend as much time traveling as we were hoping over the holidays we are going to try to do so between now and when he leaves, so this weekend the plan is to go to Belgium, next weekend Italy, then 3 weeks of Girl Scout cookie sales (if you wish to purchase any for troops in Iraq or Afghanistan let me know, we can ship to them for free through the military mail system), then hopefully a couple last weeks of travel before Nathan leaves.
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