Monday, November 8, 2010

Thanks for the help

I am a bit of a perfectionist and I am fully aware of it. I like things done my way and most of the time I would just prefer to do stuff myself. My dad still says that when I was little one of my favorite phrases was "No dad I've got it." I like things put away where I think they should go. I find it easier to pack, unpack, clean, etc. myself so that I know where everything is. So while Nathan was gone in October I knew that I should try and get as much unpacked as I could. I did pretty well, I think I got it down to about 10 boxes. These boxes contain those random things that I still have not found room for, so considering everything I think I did pretty well. With the unpacking of all of these boxes came the mess in the hallway of packing material, stuff still to be put away, etc. We have been slowly working through this mess, all but done now. The other night when we got home from Luxembourg I decided to call my family, I haven't been able to call for over a month as Nathan had the phone with the international plan. I made about 4 calls, I think I was on the phone for a total of about 2 hours. During that time Nathan decided to tackle the dining room table that had paperwork, my purse, stuff from our trip, etc. on it. I really do appreciate him helping clean, it was a huge help. My only problem is that I am now trying to think like Nathan and trying to figure out where he put everything. I finally found the bag with my cell phone and our passports last night, after a brief panic attack that they may have made it to post in the dumpster. Much to my surprise as I am getting ready for my language class this morning I have discovered that not only did Nathan find a good place for my purse but he also cleaned out my purse, it did need to be cleaned out. Now if I could only find my name tag for my language class that was in my purse. I appreciate the help, and I know that I need to let go and let others help me, but next time I will handle the sacred purse. Just sit me down and make me clean it out. Thank you for the help Nathan, I really do appreciate it! Your surprise trip is this weekend!


  1. Lol... I can relate. I had to laugh at the last part- "just sit me down and make me do it." Oh Katie. Love you girl.

  2. Way to go Nathan. "Help" out by not helping and never have to do it again....genius.
